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Historical Commission Meeting Minutes09/10/07
Lenox Historical Commission
September 10, 2007, 7:00 p.m.
Lenox Academy, 2nd Floor


Commissioners present: Andrea Winter (Chair), Lavinia Meeks, Suzanne Pelton
Absent without notification: George Jordan

Meeting was called to order at 7:02.  Minutes of the May 14 meeting were approved as amended.

Westinghouse Streetlights – Suzanne appeared before the Select Board on June 27 re which light will be chosen for Lenox when funding is raised: the Westinghouse model or a Victorian dual-arm model the Village Improvement Committee has suggested.  The Select Board approved the Westinghouse design, as exact as is possible.~ First fundraising meeting will be Wed Sept 12, 9 am at Town Hall, Land Use Rm. Ralph Petillo, Director of the Chamber, will be asked to attend.

Expansion of Historic District –  Lavinia and Joan will poll residents on Cliffwood St. to see if they have an interest in creating an historic district. Also, consider expanding current HD to include all of property, not just first 150 feet.

Town Cemetery Restoration –  Grant application is due in February for funds for a consultant to prepare a survey of scope of restoration. Discuss at next meeting what Lenox High School students who have expressed an interest, might do to help on this project.

Lenox Preservation Planning/LHC Records – Look into state grants for consultant to create surveys on all Lenox historic properties. Get application from Community Preservation Committee (CPC) when available to apply for matching funds.

Chris Skelly’s  6-8-07 visit in Lenox and information regarding HDs was helpful, 3 members of HD came too Andrea will set up an informal gathering with HDC and Historical Society.

CPA Funds for Historic Preservation – Application will be available in the fall for HC to seek matching funding for consultant to do surveys of Lenox and Cemetery.

Church on the Hill plans to renovate Andrea contacted Chris Skelly to be sure Boston (MHC) knows about the project.~ Also called~Ken Fowler to ask if he can look into whether they have applied for HDC permit as they are required to do.~ Do they have a building permit?

Corner of Hubbard and Main in HD this land has been purchased by the owner of the new home on Hubbard closest to it.~ We should get confirmation that the owners know it cannot be built on.

Commissioners and Volunteers  – Suzanne will contact some possibilities for next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25.  The next meeting is July 9 at 7 p.m.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Suzanne W. Pelton